Other English Patterns

11 products

JH Tee Antiques specializes in antique English silver flatware. You will find an excellent selection of antique silver flatware on our site. We offer antique flatware by the piece, in lots of six to twelve or as a complete flatware set. Browse a variety of patterns including Onslow, Kings Husk, Bead, Hourglass, Hanoverian and others. Our antique silver flatware is in excellent condition and very fine quality. Antique English silver flatware has an unbeatable combination of quality, weight and timeless design. There is no substitute for the beauty and durability of handmade antique flatware.
11 products
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Pair of Victorian Silver Marrow Scoops
Victorian Sterling Silver Meat Skewer - JH Tee Antiques
Victorian Sterling Silver Meat Skewer
Victorian Silver Victoria Pattern Fish Slice - JH Tee Antiques
Victorian Silver Victoria Pattern Fish Slice
Old English Thread Silver Stuffing Spoon
George II Rat Tail Silver Stuffing Spoon - JH Tee Antiques
George II Rat Tail Silver Stuffing Spoon
Victorian Princess Pattern Silver Flatware Set - JH Tee Antiques
Victorian Princess Pattern Silver Flatware Set
George III Onslow Pattern Silver Soup Ladle - JH Tee Antiques
George III Onslow Pattern Silver Soup Ladle
Elizabethan Pattern Silver Gilt Flatware Service for 18 - JH Tee Antiques
Elizabethan Pattern Silver Gilt Flatware Service for 18
George Adams Silver Stuffing Spoon - JH Tee Antiques
George Adams Silver Stuffing Spoon
Georgian Silver Stuffing Spoon - JH Tee Antiques
Georgian Silver Stuffing Spoon
Elizabethan Pattern Silver Dessert Spoon - JH Tee Antiques
Elizabethan Pattern Silver Dessert Spoon